"For I was hungry and you gave me food..." - Mt 25:35

As a diocese we will soon participate in the Ash Wednesday collection for Catholic Charities of Acadiana. I believe that you share in our concern for those who are experiencing poverty, hunger, and homelessness in our community.

We believe in ensuring that basic human needs are met in our community. We believe that any individual experiencing hunger in our community presents an emergency, one where our faith compels us to respond. With this core belief in mind, Catholic Charities of Acadiana operates St. Joseph Diner and FoodNet Food Bank.

Since 1983, St. Joseph Diner has provided hot meals for those who experience hunger in Acadiana. Just last year alone, the Diner provided 101,837 meals at no cost to those who were experiencing a need. In the same spirit, FoodNet Food Bank has distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds of food to those in need since being founded by Marcelle Citron in 1987. A new program to Catholic Charities of Acadiana, FoodNet Food Bank distributes approximately 300,000 pounds of food each year. Distributions include staples such as rice, beans, peanut butter, canned vegetables and more. Catholic Charities of Acadiana is currently engaged in expanding FoodNet’s mission to the rural areas of Acadiana where we can provide support to existing food pantries and soup kitchens as they serve those experiencing hunger closest to them.

Your support of both St. Joseph Diner and FoodNet Food Bank makes a significant difference for those who are experiencing hunger in our community. In addition, 25 percent of donations collected will go directly toward social ministries in each deanery.

Together we can work to provide for those who are experiencing hunger and care for the sacred gift of all human life, especially the most vulnerable. Thank you for supporting Catholic Charities of Acadiana in our mission to provide for those who are experiencing hunger and food insecurity in our community.

Donate to the Ash Wednesday campaign to end hunger here: http://give.classy.org/ashwednesday

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