Volunteer with Catholic Charities of Acadiana!

Thank you for your interest in joining our work in this critically important way.

Volunteers serve across various programs and departments to help extend the reach of our staff in bringing professional, timely, prompt, and adequate service to each client in their unique, individual circumstances.  

Sign-up directly through the interactive sign-up calendars attached to each opportunity. All volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.


Volunteer Opportunities
By Program

St. Joseph Diner

St. Joseph Diner serves free, freshly prepared, nutritious meals to those experiencing homelessness and hunger in our community. Volunteers help extend hospitality, serve meals efficiently, and maintain a space that is welcoming, clean, and sanitary.

This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for individuals or small teams. Age requirement: 7+

FoodNet Food Bank

FoodNet Food Bank assists families and individuals experiencing food insecurity throughout Acadiana. FoodNet volunteers help sort and organize non-perishable food items, assemble supplemental food bags, and unload donations.

This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for individuals or small teams. Age requirement: 10+

Crossroads Collective

Crossroads Collective is a social enterprise of Catholic Charities of Acadiana where 100% of profits support the Works of Mercy, which Catholic Charities of Acadiana puts into action for our brothers and sisters experiencing hunger, homelessness, and poverty. Crossroads Collective volunteers work in-store to help secure the right blend of products to meet the needs of our customers.

This volunteer opportunity is best filled by a volunteer who can commit to regular service. Age requirement: 18+

Disaster Response

Disaster Response provides immediate response and long-term recovery assistance to those most vulnerable in disaster. Our staff provides leadership, guidance and resources in our community and provides direct support with a unique understanding of needs before, during and long after a disaster strikes. Disaster Response volunteers serve across a wide-variety of roles both in the field, and in supportive roles. If you are interested in volunteering during times of disaster, sign up now so that we can contact you as volunteer opportunities become available.

This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for individuals or small teams.

Rebuilding Together Acadiana

Rebuilding Together Acadiana provides critical home repair and modifications, such as wheelchair ramps, to homeowners who are unable to make necessary improvements due to financial hardship, age, or disability. Rebuilding Together Acadiana volunteers work with skilled staff members to complete pre-building projects in our warehouse as well as on-site projects in the field. Volunteer support along with the use of donated or discounted building materials enable us to complete repairs at no cost to our homeowners.

This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for small to large groups. Age requirement: 14+

St. Joseph Shelter


Stella Maris Hygiene Center


Legal Services

Through St. Joseph Shelter, Catholic Charities of Acadiana provides the safety of shelter for over 80 of our neighbors each night. Volunteers can extend extra hospitality to our clients experiencing homelessness by purchasing whole fresh fruit or providing homemade cookies to bring some extra care and comfort to our neighbors in crisis.

This volunteer opportunity is a remote service opportunity and great for families! No age requirement.

Through the Stella Maris Hygiene Center, those experiencing homelessness can access toilets, showers and laundering facilities to care for their basic hygiene needs and restore human dignity “one shower at a time.”

This volunteer opportunity is best filled by an adult who is willing to undergo training and who can commit to once/week regular volunteer service.

Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s Legal Services offers low-cost legal assistance to individuals with a lawful path to remain in United States, focusing on employment authorization and naturalization services to help individuals meaningfully contribute to the community and the economy. 

These volunteer opportunities are best filled by adults with special skills who can commit to serving consistently for an extended period of time.

Emily House

Emily House is one of Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s three emergency homeless shelters where we focus on rapidly returning individuals and families to permanent housing, with a goal of stabilization through intensive and personalized case management services continuing after housing placement.

At this time we do not have volunteer opportunities at Emily House.

volunteer for our next special event!

Throughout the year, Catholic Charities of Acadiana organizes numerous special events in support of our programs - food drives, fundraising events, retreats and gatherings. Volunteers serve in set-up, clean-up, and hospitality roles bringing these mission-critical events to life - building community while serving your neighbor in need! .

Each special event has unique needs for individuals or small groups. Age requirement depends on event.

Join a volunteer team based on your interests, skills, or charisms

Administrative Support Team

Administrative Support Team volunteers serve across various programs and departments to help extend the reach of our staff in bringing professional, timely, prompt, and adequate service to each client or community supporter in their unique, individual circumstances.  

This volunteer opportunity is best filled by a volunteer who can commit to regular service. Age requirement: 18+

Donations Coordination Support Team

Material donations are critical to the life of our organization. Every item given meets a need, and means that we can put one more dollar toward helping someone stay safely housed, move from homelessness to housing, or recover from disaster.  Donations Coordination Support Team volunteers help carefully steward material donations, making supplies quickly available to our clients in need while honoring donor intent.

This volunteer opportunity is best suited to individuals and small teams who can make a regular commitment.

Donated Food Transport Team

Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s St. Joseph Diner and FoodNet Food Bankfeed the hungry at no cost to the individual in need.  Donated food helps to keep thes critical, 100%-donor-funded programs, available to our community. 

Our Donated Food Transport Team is composed of committed volunteers who regularly transport donated food from assigned partner grocery stores and businesses to St. Joseph Diner and FoodNet. The transport of donated food means that more hungry neighbors can be fed through these critical programs.

This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for individuals with a vehicle and valid driver’s license.


Got questions about volunteering?

Contact Volunteer Experience Coordinator, Sarah Baquet:
sarahb@catholiccharitiesacadiana.org | (337) 235-4972;1222