Note to our Volunteers from our CEO, Kim Boudreaux

Dear Volunteer,

I am truly pleased to take the opportunity of this Volunteer Appreciation Week to honor the dedication of each of you who has worked alongside Catholic Charities of Acadiana.

Your volunteer efforts across all of our programs and in our special events have formed the backbone of our ability to fulfill our mission to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and shelter the homeless in our community.

Thank you for being committed to the mission of Catholic Charities of Acadiana and for being the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors in need!

Do be on the lookout for unique acknowledgments each day this week through both email and social media. We hope that these acknowledgments will, in some way, express the deep gratitude we feel for your countless hours of labor.

We look forward to continuing journeying with you this next year.

In service,
Kim Boudreaux
CEO, Catholic Charities of Acadiana

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