Catholic Charities of Acadiana CEO Honors Volunteers During Volunteer Appreciation Week 2023 

Dear Volunteer, 

I am truly pleased to take the opportunity of this Volunteer Appreciation Week to honor the dedication of each of you who has worked alongside Catholic Charities of Acadiana.  

In this past year, we have experienced a fresh outpouring of volunteer support from individuals, families, and groups which witnesses to the fact that the work we do through Catholic Charities of Acadiana is of high value both within our community and to our community.  

Because of volunteers, St. Joseph Diner has successfully opened again to daily indoor dining. FoodNet Food Bank has successfully answered requests for 3,000 emergency food bags each month. And Disaster Response successfully responded quickly to aid survivors of devastating tornadoes in both New Iberia and Mississippi.  

Volunteers have willingly extended hospitality to our shelter clients through the new meal service volunteer opportunity at Emily House. Volunteers have embraced behind-the-scenes roles in administrative support, maintenance, and donations support. And volunteers have helped important special events succeed like the Food for Families Food Drive, the Catholic Charities of Acadiana Annual Mass & Banquet, Crossroads Collective remote sales events, and many fundraising events. 

Your volunteer efforts across all our programs have been and continue to be critical to our ability to fulfill the mission of feeding the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and to shelter the homeless in our community. Thank you for being committed to the mission of Catholic Charities of Acadiana and for being the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors in need! 

Be on the lookout for unique acknowledgments this week through both email and social media. We hope that these acknowledgments will, in some small way, express the deep gratitude we feel for your countless hours of labor.  We look forward to continuing this journey together, all for the sake of those who suffer in our community.

In service,  

Kim Boudreaux 
CEO, Catholic Charities of Acadiana 

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