In Solidarity: Sharing our St. Joseph Diner Christmas Table with You and Yours

This Christmas, Catholic Charities of Acadiana invites you to share our St. Joseph Diner Christmas table with this St. Joseph Diner Christmas recipe for Corn Maque Choux, provided by our partner, TRIO Community Meals.

This is one of the menu items that those experiencing homelessness in Acadiana will be enjoying this Christmas from within the warmth of four walls, at a clean and dignified table, and surrounded by a community of friendship. 

As an act of solidarity with our brothers and sisters who will eat at St. Joseph Diner, we invite you to prepare Corn Maque Choux to eat with your own family’s Christmas meal!

Pray for our patrons as you chop and stir. Then, share about the work of St. Joseph Diner as you serve. Your own brothers and sisters are eating at this extended table.

Pray A Christmas Prayer for Solidarity with Our Neighbors Experiencing Homelessness before sharing your Christmas feast. Your family is the hands and feet of Jesus to those who eat at St. Joseph Diner and seek aid on our campuses. 

On behalf of those celebrating Christmas at St. Joseph Diner, we extend our deepest gratitude to you, our supportive community of donors and volunteers, who make this Christmas feast and every meal that comes forth from St. Joseph Diner possible. 

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, 

Catholic Charities of Acadiana

A Christmas Prayer for Solidarity with our Neighbors Experiencing Homelessness 


Heavenly Father, 

On this day, we rejoice in the birth of your son, Jesus Christ, who took on the poverty of flesh for our sake. Instead of being born in a palace, he lowered himself to be born in a stable. Instead of laying his head on luxurious linens, he chose a feeding trough for animals as his crib. Watch over our neighbors this Christmas day, who likewise have no place to call home and no warm table around which to share a Christmas Feast. Bless especially those who will eat at St. Joseph Diner today and those whose meal will come from the emergency food bags provided through FoodNet Food Bank. Open the hearts and eyes of those of us with blessings to share so that we may better live as the body of Christ and as the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbor.


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