Catholic Charities of Acadiana advises on ways to assist survivors of Hurricane Ian

In response to the outpouring of local concern for hurricane survivors in Florida, Catholic Charities of Acadiana is urging those who want to assist to donate directly to Catholic Charities USA. The community is invited to donate at

The devastating impact of Hurricane Ian covers a wide swath of the State of Florida, encompassing many rural and impoverished areas throughout the region. Catholic Charities USA is the official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church and has committed 100% of the proceeds to support local people impacted by Hurricane Ian.

“We are no stranger to the devastating impacts of natural disasters in South Louisiana and the immense resources necessary to respond,” said Kim Boudreaux, CEO of Catholic Charities of Acadiana. “Our hearts are moved with compassion for our neighbors suffering in Florida. We appeal to those willing to assist in considering a monetary donation, allowing responding agencies to address both immediate and long-term recovery needs in the hardest hit areas.”

Catholic Charities of Acadiana cares for the sacred gift of all human life, especially the most vulnerable. Catholic Charities of Acadiana operates eleven programs that serve those currently experiencing homelessness, hunger, and poverty in Acadiana. Since 1973, its programs have represented a response to the Gospel call to carry out the corporal works of mercy: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, offering hospitality to the homeless, caring for the sick, visiting the imprisoned, and burying the dead. 

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