31 Homes in 3 Months

We are so excited about our friends from Harvest Call, who have come from all over the country to directly support the efforts of Catholic Charities of Acadiana and our hurricane related long term recovery efforts. Harvest Call will be in Acadiana, working alongside our Disaster Response team for three months.

Apostolic Christian HarvestCall is a ministry formed by the merger of Apostolic Christian World Relief and Apostolic Christian Mission Committee. Their mission is to equip and mobilize brethren to proclaim the gospel, disciple and nurture believers, and demonstrate the love of Christ with deeds of compassion. One of HarvestCall’s many outreach programs is to rebuild after disasters. Since the 1980s, they have been involved in large-scale rebuilding projects for disaster survivors. 

Each winter, HarvestCall coordinates at least one large work project, mobilizing ~500 volunteers from across the nation to build new homes for survivors (WOW). This year, they are partnering with Rebuilding Together Acadiana of Catholic Charities in Lafayette, Louisiana, to provide critical home repairs and renovations to 31 clients affected by recent disasters in the surrounding parishes.  The volunteers began work in January and will finish their time at the end of March.  

In disaster, there are both sprinters and marathon runners. We need both. The marathon runners are often in short supply yet vitally important as we do the hard work of rebuilding, often years after a disaster hits. Harvest Call is definitely one of those true marathon partners.”
— Ben Broussard, Chief of External Affairs, Catholic Charities of Acadiana

While Harvest Call usually focuses on building new homes, after hearing about the critical need for roof work following Hurricane Delta of 2020, they shifted their focus to roof replacement and mitigation, working to make long lasting changes for 31 households right here in Acadiana.

Help us continue the long term work of helping families rebuild after Hurricanes Laura, Delta, and Ida. Make a one time or recurring monetary gift of relief by clicking below.

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