Thank you for your interest in serving with Catholic Charities of Acadiana at one of our special events!

For questions, need for assistance prior to your shift, or to verify service hours after your shift, contact Community Engagement Coordinator, Sarah Baquet at 337-235-4972 ext. 1222 or sarahb@catholiccharitiesacadiana.org.

Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s work is sustained by the community support of donors and volunteers. Many of our programs are 100% donor funded!

Every year, Catholic Charities of Acadiana organizes numerous special events including food drives, fundraising events, retreats and gatherings in support of our programs. Come help us bring these events to life - building community while serving your neighbor in need! Special Events Volunteers serve in set-up, clean-up, hospitality, and service roles before, during or after events. 

This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for individuals or small groups.

Volunteers should be able to stand for at least 2 hours at a time, bend and lift. Volunteers should be able to work in a team and be cheerful and courteous when dealing with the public.

Volunteer tasks include event set-up, event clean-up and hospitality.

The location of service is dependent on the special event. All relevant details will be included in the Volunteer Information Sheet received upon sign up. 

Volunteers are needed annually at the following special events:

  • Annual Mass & Banquet

  • Abide Catholic Women’s Conference (every two years, February)

  • Volunteer Appreciation Week (April)

  • Sharing Spirits

  • Dine for the Diner (May)

  • Parish Social Ministry Retreat (Summer)

  • Donations Inventory (Summer/Winter)

  • Food for Families Food Drive (December)

Volunteer shifts vary according to each event. Shift times are viewable on the interactive sign-up calendar below. 

How do I sign up? Please sign-up directly through the interactive calendar below. Volunteer shifts appear on the date(s) in which the actual event is taking place. Upon successful sign up, volunteers will receive a volunteer information sheet with all details related to their volunteer service.

Group leaders may sign-up on behalf of their entire group. Group leaders assume the responsibility of ensuring that all reserved spots are filled and that every individual volunteer receives the necessary information prior to service.

Upon successful sign-up, a complete Volunteer Information Sheet will be emailed to you.

Catholic Charities of Acadiana can verify service hours for schools, clubs or businesses; however, Catholic Charities of Acadiana is not a Court Appointed Community Service Site and court-appointed community service hours cannot be fulfilled through serving in our programs.

We are deeply grateful for all who walk alongside us in our mission to care for the sacred gift of all human life, especially the most vulnerable.

Thank you so very much for volunteering!