Bring New Meaning to Your Christmas Preparations with Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s Merciful Advent Calendar  

Join Catholic Charities of Acadiana this Advent in preparing your heart and family to receive Jesus at Christmas using the Merciful Advent Calendar as a tool. By doing one daily act of mercy, this spin-off of the traditional Advent Calendar can bring new life to your family devotions in 2024. 

Did you ever consider the fact that Jesus was homeless when he was born?  

Mary and Joseph traveled away from their home as was required for the census. Upon arriving in Bethlehem, all the lodging was filled to accommodate the many out-of-town guests also returning for the census. Mary was about to give birth – with no shelter. In a move of compassion, an innkeeper offered the couple a place with his livestock. No “water-birth in a cozy birthing center” for Mary, folks😊  

Let us consider Jesus’ poverty this Advent as we prepare to celebrate His birth at Christmas. 

Sometimes it seems to conceive of how we can love God whom we cannot see (apart from His presence in the Eucharist, of course). However, we know that whatever we do to the least of these we do to Him (Matthew 25).  

So, let’s spend this Advent loving Him by loving those in need.  

We hope the Merciful Advent Calendar can help you and yours grow in love of God and neighbor this year and in years to come! 

Thank you for caring with us for the sacred gift of all human life, especially the most vulnerable.

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