New Volunteer Opportunity at Emily House Invites Community to Extend Hospitality to Shelter Clients

Emily House is one of Catholic Charities of Acadiana’s three emergency homeless shelters where the focus is on rapidly returning individuals and families to permanent housing. Emily House Meal Service invites individuals and small teams to extend hospitality to clients at mealtimes in the context of the shelter.


Although the opportunity is new, some dedicated volunteers have already stepped up to join us in Emily House Meal Service. Teurlings Catholic High School, not far in distance from Emily House, is one of those groups committed to join in this effort as a means of serving their neighbor in need.

One TCHS student, Anthony, shared this reflection:

In Religious Studies at TCHS, we have been learning about Catholic Social Teaching. One scripture verse that resonated with me is Matthew 25: 40, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” My classmate Owen and I had the opportunity to serve food to people in need at The Emily House, making what we’ve been taught a reality. When we arrived, we met Michael, a full time missionary working at St. Leo the Great Church. After waiting briefly, a representative from CCA arrived with food and we got straight to work making plates for those in need. I had an opportunity to talk to some of the people in line, trying to bring Christ into each interaction. It was clear that each person appreciated being treated with dignity and respect. I was saddened that they were in that position, but I was happy to be able to help them. I had an amazing experience getting to serve and interact with everyone there. I look forward to going back to serve again!

Click here to learn about and sign up to volunteer at Emily House!

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