Proud to Have Served

Recently the staff and residents of St. Michael Center for Veterans took a trip to New Orleans to visit the National World War II Museum. The National WWII Museum has many exhibits that examine the global scale of the war in an intimate and personal way. The residents were grateful for the opportunity to spend the day together discussing their experience of the military history presented at the museum. One resident expressed that it, 

provided a moving and accurate depiction of the different campaigns of the World War. It was a very moving experience and I hope it helps everyone realize what soldiers, sailors, and airmen have sacrificed for our freedom. This place makes me feel even more proud to have served.

Catholic Services of Acadiana has partnered with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs at St. Michael Center for Veterans, to end veteran homelessness in this region. Since 2010 the nation has seen a 33% reduction in veteran homeless through the use of aggressive outreach, transitional housing, VASH housing, homeless prevention, and rapid rehousing. St. Michael Center for Veterans is on an early track to implement new models of service delivery including harm reduction and housing first. These nationally recognized models have proven effective with even the most challenging conditions. CSA has moved over 180 homeless veterans into permanent housing, contributing to the national goal of ending veteran homelessness by 2016. 

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