2022 in Numbers: The Real Impact of Catholic Charities of Acadiana

Thanks to every volunteer, donor, supporter, advocate, and friend who has locked arms with us and helped to serve those who are experiencing homelessness, hunger, and poverty in Acadiana. Here are some hard numbers detailing the level of need and the impact of just a few of our services to our neighbors.

Our phone rings a lot.
Catholic Charities of Acadiana answers 9,450 phone calls per month from our neighbors in Acadiana who are experiencing a situational or chronic crisis. If you average that out to the 20 working days, that’s 475 phone calls a day. 

St. Joseph Diner serves 2,800+ meals per week to those who are experiencing hunger in Acadiana. Throughout 2022, St. Joseph Diner has served over 145,000 meals to our neighbors who lacked access to a hot meal.

FoodNet Food Bank provides supplemental non-perishable food boxes for families and individuals who are experiencing food insecurity. FoodNet Food Bank distributes roughly 750 food bags per week, helping families who are in a financial or situational crisis. FoodNet Food Bank averages about 3000 bags a month distributed to neighbors and families.  Throughout 2022, FoodNet Food Bank has provided over 35,000 supplemental food bags to families and individuals who are experiencing food insecurity throughout Acadiana.

Access to hygiene services is a daily struggle for those who lack housing. Catholic Charities of Acadiana has provided 32,850 showers to those who were in an experience of homelessness and lacked access to caring for their essential personal hygiene needs.

Shelter & Housing: On any given night, Catholic Charities of Acadiana provides the safety of emergency shelter to 80 of our neighbors who were in an experience of homelessness. Through a spirit of accompaniment, Catholic Charities of Acadiana also assists 89 individuals through permanent supportive housing, many of whom had previously suffered an experience of homelessness.

In our work to help families and individuals avoid an experience of homelessness, Catholic Charities of Acadiana has assisted 510 families and individuals with emergency financial assistance, helping them to stay housed and avoid eviction.

Rebuilding Together Acadiana: In 2022, Rebuilding Together Acadiana addressed critical repair and access needs on upward of 70 homes in Acadiana. Rebuilding Together Acadiana also accompanied 22 of our neighbors who otherwise could not gain access to their home. Their team, along with committed volunteers, also assisted 41 elderly and disabled homeowners in critical home repairs, creating for them a safer and more dignified home environment.

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